Packaging Batches View

The view button next to each batch will take you to the packaging batch detail screen.

The packaging batch details are divided into two main sections for your convenience:

Summary Section:
This section provides an overview of the estimated award calculation. You can find both the calculated award amount and the detailed information used in the calculation. To access specific details such as ISIR and program information, simply click on the "Parameters" tab.

Awards Section:
To view the breakdown of awards, click on the "View" option in this section. Here, you'll find comprehensive details about the awarded amounts.

The user will need to select either "Ignore," "Update," or "Create" from the drop-down menu next to each award and disbursement. After making your selections, click the "Save" button. Once your choices are saved, proceed to click the 'Execute Saved Decisions' button.

The system will then transmit any newly created awards from the packaging batch to COD for origination. Additionally, you have the option to automatically generate award letters through the packaging batch; please note that this feature is configurable through a system setting specific to your institution.