Create New Packaging Batch

To initiate the creation of a new packaging batch, locate and click on the "Create Batch" button situated in the top right corner of the main page for disbursement batches.

Then click create on the New Packaging Batch screen

Upon clicking the "Create Batch" button, you will be directed to a data input screen.

At the top, you'll find header information, while the bottom portion is designated for data input.

Begin by selecting the student from the dropdown menu in the student lookup section.

Subsequently, enter the updated information and save your changes.

The saved information will be recorded above the data input area, providing the option to edit if the batch has not yet been submitted.

After completing, reviewing, and saving all entries, proceed to click "Send for Processing."

Upon the appearance of the "Initiate Packaging" link, click on it, and the system will perform an automatic calculation of the student's award. To review the awards, click on "View" located at the bottom of the page. From there, you can choose the desired option based on your preferences.

You will encounter three options: Ignore, Create, and Update.

  • Ignore: Select this option if you wish to retain the existing system status without making any changes.

  • Create: Opt for this if you want to generate new awards based on your modifications.

  • Update: Use this option to make alterations to awards already present in the system.

After making your selections, click "Save," and proceed to click "Execute Saved Decisions" located at the bottom of the page to implement the changes.